
I spent the past beautiful summer weekend holed up inside Colorado College’s concert hall, listening to pianists of all ages and nationalities competing to win the Rocky Mountain Amateur Piano Competition. All were amateurs, someone who does not teach or play the piano for their...

I often receive phone calls from parents of adult children in their 20’s and early 30’s looking for counseling for their kids. This group of young adults has yet to define themselves; they are sometimes called Generation Y, Millennials, and Echo Boomers. They are the...

The weather’s finally warm enough for your friends and relatives to come up the hill for a picnic. The afternoon seems to go fairly well. Your niece in now a vegan, but her grandmother saves the day by bringing tofu hotdogs. Everyone’s talking about your...

Before we know it the New Year is well on its way and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. People’s experiences and opinions about this day are a lesson in extremes, much like our mountain weather. I once had a co-worker who religiously hosted an...

Whether your holiday was a joyous occasion full of lively festive traditions, a quiet, meditative interlude at home, or a poignant time filled with memories of celebrations past, the season has come and gone. Family and friends returned home, the cards slowed to a trickle,...