
Articles by Amy Skinner

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Yvonne came to her counseling session upset about her friend group. "I'm always the one that initiates getting together," she explained. "I find the movie, pick the latest restaurant, or find the concert tickets. Then I text everyone, coordinate schedules, budgets and...

One challenge people report throughout the past pandemic year is more difficulty communicating with others. Some folks focus on hurtful interactions with family and friends while others highlight frustrating exchanges with the world at large (colleagues, customer service representatives, grocery store clerks, etc.). ...

Looking out over the falling snow during our most recent three foot snowstorm I was struck by how the extremes of the weather matched the extremes of our past year with COVID-19. March 2020 our schools, businesses, governments, places of worship, gyms, hair salons…everyone...

Suzanne came in frustrated with her family. "I've been taking care of my elderly father for the past few years. I turned my life upside down to accommodate his needs and wants, building an addition on my house, making sure he gets to...

Martha loved her life. She grew up in a small town, surrounded by family and friends. She married her high school sweetheart, moved into her favorite little yellow house on the corner and filled it with kids, dogs, and community. She'd...

We've all heard the phrase, "put your oxygen mask on before helping others." It's such a common metaphor for self-care these days, I couldn't find the source of who first took it out of the plane instructions and into daily life. When the...